Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fungus Among Us

My husband said, "I found this amazing fungus, and I thought of you!" Now that is true love.

It is a gigantic specimen. We were lucky to capture it on camera before the squirrels ate it!

Anyone know what its name is?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer animals

I love the summer wildlife. Animals on the move. Last week at the teachers' retreat, I was amazed by the lack-of-wildness in the squirrel population at the Trinity Center. This little guy was particularly friendly.

I also ran across this little lizard as I was dropping off my key to my room. He was having a late breakfast.

Then, this morning driving home, this little fellow was beside the road, smiling for his picture to be taken. We have more turtles in our pond this year than ever before. Yesterday's rain did them a world of good!